Thursday 27 October 2011

Still Here!

Hey. It's been forever since I posted here, and it's probably because nothing much has been happening.

Life has sort of started to become more normal - or as normal as it ever can be as a foreigner in Japan. I've got a routine going, class, home, study, watch a movie, listen to music, sleep.

Although for the past week I've been sick >.< I get sick a lot here, I think because I am so exhausted by things. Although it seems as though everything is normal, even the very normal things are made very hard by just being so far away from everything I know, from struggling all the time with the language, being somewhere new. It's very hard, and very tiring. So I guess it's made me more run down than I realised, because I feel like since my last post I've done nothing but get one illness after another.

Pretty lame >.< I've felt pretty sorry for myself and missed home, my family, my friends, my boyfriend loads.

But I know I have to pull through it. I always knew it would be very hard, but I'm used to things being hard. Sometimes in England, because I have bad anxiety, very normal things are exhausting and difficult too. So I guess I'm in almost a good position, because I'm used to it!

Anyway, here are a few photo.

Someone vomited kanji all over my room =<

This is my fridge, and my 'good advice white board' where I write things I should do, like "go to class" and "eat good things" and "talk to people"

My super cute stitchy slippers. They have massagey things for your feet. So adorable and comfy.

My lovely bracelet that Stephie sent to me &hearts;, with my kanji revision underneath it. Yeah, I'm learning 遠い and yeah I should know it already. 
As soon as I stop being ill all the time I will make a post with some stuff in it that's actually relevent to Japan and being on a year abroad, and less photos of my fridge.

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